The Summer School in Cybersecurity, Privacy & Policy Intervations (CPPI) brings together researchers, IT professionals and students to learn about a plethora of new technologies and capabilities for developing all-in-one security detection solutions for Energy sector. CPPI provides fast and effective learning, the invaluable contribution of leading professionals in high-tech industry and esteemed researchers across the world.
University of Western Macedonia, ZEP Area, 50100, Kozani, Greece.
Dates and tasks
The Summer School will take place from 3 to 7 July 2023.
Target group
CPPI is aimed at students of Greek and foreign universities and professionals of different disciplines in IT, with suitable informatics and data analysis bases. CPPI is addressed to graduate students (and final year diploma students), PhD students, young researchers and professionals in IT sector.
Certificate of Participation
All participants will earn a certificate of participation from the University of Western Macedonia.
Application deadline
Registration deadline: 30 June 2023.
Application Form
Click here for the application form and payment.
Participants are strongly advised to bring their own laptop.
Registration Fee
Registration deadline 30 June 2023:
Bachelor and Master Student € 100,00
PhD student/Professional € 150,00
Apply for Scholarship (for UOWM students only – limited seats)
Payment Method: Payment by Bank Transfer
Bank account details:
International Bank Account (IBAN): GR13 0110 3770 0000 3770 1485 551
Payment Reason: NAME and SURNAME
Accommodation and Travel
Participants however should take care of travel and accommodation expenses by themselves. Available apartments can be found through Airbnb and Booking platform with a price of 40-50 euros per night.
Click here to download the leaflet of CPPI Summer School.
Click here to download the program of CPPI Summer School.

Vasileios Argyriou
Vasileios Argyriou received his BSc degree in computer science from Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, in 2001 and his MSc and PhD degrees from the University of Surrey, in 2003 and 2006, respectively, both in electrical engineering working on registration. From 2001 to 2002, he held a research position at Aristotle University, working on image and video watermarking. He joined the Communications and Signal Processing (CSP) Department, Imperial College, London, in 2007, where he was a Research Fellow working on 3D object reconstruction. Now, he is a Professor at Kingston University, working on computer vision and AI for crowd and human behaviour analysis, computer games, entertainment, and medical applications. Also, research is conducted on educational games and on HCI for augmented and virtual reality(AR/VR) systems.

Daniel Casini
Daniel Casini (Member, IEEE) received the degree in embedded computing systems engineering and the master’s degree from Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Pisa, and the University of Pisa, and the Ph.D. degree (Hons.) in computer engineering from Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna under the supervision of Prof. Alessandro Biondi and Prof. Giorgio Buttazzo. He is an Assistant Professor with the Real-Time Systems (ReTiS) Laboratory, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna. In 2019, he was a Visiting Scholar with the Max Planck Institute for Software Systems, Germany. His research interests include software predictability in multiprocessor systems, schedulability analysis, synchronization protocols, and the design and implementation of real-time operating systems and hypervisors.

Marco Di Renzo
Marco Di Renzo (Fellow, IEEE) received the Laurea and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the University of L’Aquila, Italy, in 2003 and 2007, respectively, and the Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches (Doctor of Science) degree from University Paris-Sud (currently Paris-Saclay University), France, in 2013. Currently, he is a CNRS Research Director (Professor) and the Head of the Intelligent Physical Communications group in the Laboratory of Signals and Systems (L2S) of Paris-Saclay University – CNRS and CentraleSupelec, Paris, France. At Paris-Saclay University, he serves as the Coordinator of the Communications and Networks Research Area of the Laboratory of Excellence DigiCosme, as a Member of the Admission and Evaluation Committee of the Ph.D. School on Information and Communication Technologies, and as a Member of the Evaluation Committee of the Graduate School in Computer Science. He is a Founding Member and the Academic Vice Chair of the Industry Specification Group (ISG) on Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces (RIS) within the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI), where he serves as the Rapporteur for the work item on communication models, channel models, and evaluation methodologies. He is a Fellow of the IEEE, IET, and AAIA; an Ordinary Member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts, an Ordinary Member of the Academia Europaea; and a Highly Cited Researcher. Also, he holds the 2023 France-Nokia Chair of Excellence in ICT, and was a Fulbright Fellow at City University of New York, USA, a Nokia Foundation Visiting Professor, and a Royal Academy of Engineering Distinguished Visiting Fellow. His recent research awards include the 2021 EURASIP Best Paper Award, the 2022 IEEE COMSOC Outstanding Paper Award, the 2022 Michel Monpetit Prize conferred by the French Academy of Sciences, the 2023 EURASIP Best Paper Award, the 2023 IEEE COMSOC Fred W. Ellersick Prize, and the 2023 IEEE COMSOC Heinrich Hertz Award.

Thomas Lagkas
Thomas Lagkas is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Computer Science of the International Hellenic University. He has been Lecturer and then Senior Lecturer at the Computer Science Department of the International Faculty of The University of Sheffield from 2012 to 2019. He also served as Departmental Research Director and Leader of the ICT Track of the South-East European Research Centre. Furthermore, he has been Adjunct Lecturer at the Department of Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering of the University of Western Macedonia from 2007 to 2013. Moreover, he has been Laboratory and then Scientific Associate at the Technological Educational Institute of Thessaloniki from 2004 to 2012. In 2002, he graduated with honors from the Department of Informatics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, and he was awarded PhD on Wireless Networks from the same Department in 2006. He has been scholar of the Aristotle University Research Committee, as well as postdoctoral scholar of the National Scholarships Institute of Greece. In 2012, he completed his MBA studies at the Hellenic Open University, and he received a postgraduate certificate on Teaching and Learning from The University of Sheffield in 2017 . His research interests are in the areas of IoT communications and distributed architectures, communication security, wireless and optical communication networks, QoS in medium access control, mobile multimedia communications, power saving and fairness for resource allocation in sensor-cooperative networks as well as in hybrid Fiber-Wireless networks, e-health data monitoring, 5G and beyond systems, AI-based and analytical optimization techniques, smart farming and smart grid applications, flying ad hoc networks, and computer-based educational technologies with more than 140 publications (and over 2000 citations) at a number of widely recognized international scientific journals and conferences.

Nick Pitropakis
Nick Pitropakis is an Associate Professor of cybersecurity at the School of Computing of Edinburgh Napier University, and a Fellow of the HEA. He is also a core member of the Blockpass Identity Lab. Dr Pitropakis has a strong research background in attacks against machine learning. His current research interests include adversarial machine learning, trust and privacy using distributed ledger technology, advanced cyber attack attribution, and data science applied to cyber security and IoT device security. Dr Pitropakis is leading the integrated apprenticeship scheme BSc Cyber Security, which is the first in the UK to receive full NCSC accreditation. He is teaching Cyber-related graduate apprenticeship degrees, both running in Scotland and England. He is also the external examiner of The American College in Greece (ACG), covering the BSc (Hons) Information Technology and BSc (Hons) Cyber Security and Networking programmes provided by The Open University, and the Lead External Examiner for MSc Cyber Security (Newcastle and London campuses) of Northumbria University.Dr Pitropakis is currently leading the Horizon Europe project Trust and Privacy-Preserving Computing Platform for Crossborder Federation of Personal Data (TRUSTEE). Prior to joining ENU in 2016, he worked as a Postdoctoral Researcher for the Georgia Institute of Technology, where he was involved in a U.S. Department of Defense project (Methods for producing standardized and transparent attribution) worth 17.3 million dollars aiming at advanced attribution of malicious parties. His work has impacted major trademark holders and especially average users, whose awareness was increased against combosquatting abuse.

Dimitrios Pliatsios
Dimitrios Pliatsios received his diploma degree from the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece in 2016 and his PhD from the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Western Macedonia, Kozani, Greece in 2022. Currently, he works as a postdoctoral researcher at the ITHACA Lab, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Western Macedonia, in EU-funded research projects and participates in drafting research funding proposals. His research interests include resource allocation in wireless communications and edge computing environments, optimization theory, B5G/6G mobile networks, and computer & network security. He is a member of the IEEE and the Technical Chamber of Greece and he has served as a reviewer in several scientific journals (IEEE Internet of Things Journal, IEEE Communication Letters, Elsevier Computer Networks, IEEE Access, MDPI Sensors) and conferences (IEEE GLOBECOM, IEEE ICC, IEEE NetSoft, IEEE CAMAD, IEEE INFOCOM, IEEE PIMRC). His PhD research was funded by the Greek State Scholarship Foundation and he has received the 1st research excellence award for the academic year 2020-2021 by the Research Committee of the University of Western Macedonia.

Ioannis Pragidis
Ioannis Pragidis is Associate Professor of Economics at DUTH, and a co-founder and director of the spinoff EconSyS. Pragidis received his B.A. from the University of Macedonia in 2001, his MSc from the Warwick University in 2003, and completed his Ph.D. in Economics at DUTH in 2009. His main research interests are in the field of fiscal policy, in using new tools such as textual analysis for assessing the impact of uncertainty in an economy, and in implementing experiments to discover the causal effects of individual choices and government policy changes. Pragidis has also an excellent record in EU-funded projects for designing and proposing new economic policy tools. Pragidis has published his research in numerous top-tier journals, the Journal of Financial Stability, the International Journal of Financial Economics, and the International Review of Financial Analysis.

Michael Price
Michael Price is a Professor in the Department of Economics, Finance and Legal Studies at the University of Alabama, a Professor in the Research School of Economics at the Australian National University, and a Research Associate at NBER. Michael’s research focuses on the design of policies based on behavioral insights and the use of field experiments to understand why policies work. Within these areas he has explored; (i) the use of social comparisons and related nudges to promote energy/water conservation, (ii) the use of calorie labels to influence food purchases, (iii) the importance of moral costs and moral reference points for pro-social acts, and (iv) whether the way in which voluntary programs and information about their benefits are “framed” influences participation. His research has been published in leading journals such as the American Economic Review, Quarterly Journal of Economics, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Nature Human Behavior, and the Review of Economics and Statistics and has been funded by organizations such as NIH, NSF, the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, the John Templeton Foundation, the Qatar National Research Fund, and the World Bank. Michael earned a Bachelor’s degree from Bucknell University and a PhD from the University of Maryland, College Park. Michael is a co-organizer and instructor of the Summer Institute in Field Experiments. And he has taught short courses on the design and use of field experiments in Economics at a number of Universities and Research Institutions around the globe.

Panagiotis Radoglou-Grammatikis
Panagiotis Radoglou-Grammatikis received the Diploma degree (MEng, 5 years) and PhD from the Dept. of Informatics and Telecommunications Eng. (now Dept. of Electrical and Computer Eng.), Faculty of Eng., University of Western Macedonia, Greece, in 2016 and 2023, respectively. His main research interests are in the area of cybersecurity and mainly focus on cyber-AI, intrusion detection and security games. He has published more than 30 research papers in international scientific journals, conferences and book chapters, including IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, IEEE Access, Computer Networks (Elsevier Publishing) and Internet of Things (Elsevier Publishing). Moreover, he has received four Best Paper Awards in IEEE CAMAD 2019, IEEE CSR 2021, WSCE 2022 and SEEDA CECNSM 2022, respectively. Recently, he was included in Stanford University’s list (shared by Elsevier) of the Top 2% of Scientists in the World for 2022. He has served as a reviewer for several scientific journals and possesses working experience as a security engineer and software developer. Also, he participates in the Topical Advisory Panel of Electronics (MDPI Publishing). He is working as an R&D director at K3Y Ltd, coordinating the technical activities and strategy R&D projects. He is also a research associate at the ITHACA Lab of the University of Western Macedonia, participating in several national and European-funded research projects. Moreover, he is co-founder of MetaMind Innovations P.C., the first spin-off of the University of Western Macedonia and he is a member of IEEE, ACM and the Technical Chamber of Greece.

Panagiotis Sarigiannidis
Panagiotis Sarigiannidis is the Director of the ITHACA lab (https://ithaca.ece.uowm.gr/), co-founder of the 1st spinoff of the University of Western Macedonia: MetaMind Innovations P.C. (https://metamind.gr), and Associate Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering in the University of Western Macedonia, Kozani, Greece. He received the B.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in computer science from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece, in 2001 and 2007, respectively. He has published over 280 papers in international journals, conferences and book chapters, including IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, IEEE Transactions on Communications, IEEE Internet of Things, IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting, IEEE Systems Journal, IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine, IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society, IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, IEEE Access, and Computer Networks. He received 5 best paper awards. He has been involved in several national, European and international projects. He is currently the project coordinator of three H2020 projects, namely a) DS-07-2017, SPEAR: Secure and PrivatE smArt gRid, b) LC-SC3-EC-4-2020, EVIDENT: bEhaVioral Insgihts anD Effective eNergy policy acTions, and c) ICT-56-2020, TERMINET: nexT gEneRation sMart INterconnectEd ioT, one Horizon Europe project, HORIZON-JU-SNS-2022-STREAM-A-01-06, NANCY: An Artificial Intelligent Aided Unified Network for Secure Beyond 5G Long Term Evolution, while he coordinates the Operational Program MARS: sMart fArming with dRoneS (Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship, and Innovation) and the Erasmus+ KA2 ARRANGE-ICT: SmartROOT: Smart faRming innOvatiOn Training. He serves as a technical manger of the DS-04-2020, ELECTRON: rEsilient and seLf-healed EleCTRical pOwer Nanogrid, while he serves as a principal investigator in the DS04-2018, SDN-microSENSE: SDNmicrogrid reSilient Electrical eNergy SystEm and in three Erasmus+ KA2: a) ARRANGE-ICT: pArtneRship foR AddressiNG mEgatrends in ICT, b) JAUNTY: Joint undergAduate coUrses for smart eNergy managemenT sYstems, and c) STRONG: advanced firST RespONders traininG (Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices). His research interests include telecommunication networks, internet of things and network security. He is an IEEE member and participates in the Editorial Boards of various journals.
You may contact us for any details using the following email address: ithaca@uowm.gr