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…As you set out for Ithaca hope your road is a long one, full

Quoting from Ithaka, poem by C. P. Cavafy, this is the spirit behind ITHACA. Full of adventure and full of discovery…

The Internet of THings & AppliCAtions Lab (ITHACA) was established in 2020 (ΦΕΚ τ.Β’1795_11-5-2020) as a research and teaching lab of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Western Macedonia, Kozani, Greece.

The research interests of the Laboratory focus on the exploitation of the Internet of Things (IoT) in areas such as precision agriculture, smart energy networks, smart cities, modern computer and telecommunications networks, digital health applications, and cybersecurity in horizontal applications, integrating cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, cybersecurity and privacy, blockchain technology, 5th and 6th generation portable networks, and cloud computing.

ITHACA composes of several research units and topics:

  • Development of IoT applications and services;
  • Smart cities;
  • Cybersecurity and privacy tools and services for IoT ecosystem;
  • Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) / drone applications and services;
  • Advanced tools and services for precious agriculture and smart farming;
  • Algorithms, tools, and services for smart grid and electrical and power systems;
  • IoT routing protocols;
  • Monitoring and Decision-making Applications;
  • IoT-oriented (optical and wireless) telecomunnication networks;
  • IoT interoperability solutions;
  • IoT authentication and identification;
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Summer School

Summer School in Cybersecurity, Privacy & Policy Intervations (CPPI)

The Summer School in Cybersecurity, Privacy & Policy Intervations (CPPI) brings together researchers, IT professionals and students to learn about a plethora of new technologies and capabilities for developing all-in-one security detection solutions for Energy sector. CPPI provides fast and effective learning, the invaluable contribution of leading professionals in high-tech industry and esteemed researchers across the world.

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Where to find us



    Internet of Things and Applications Lab
    Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
    University of Western Macedonia Campus
    ZEP Area, Kozani 50100

    Contact Information

    tel: +30 2461 056527
