INCIDENCE – promotINg Cyber-hygIene in eDucation through sEcuring distaNCe lEarning

INCIDENCE – promotINg Cyber-hygIene in eDucation through sEcuring distaNCe lEarning

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  • March 9, 2021
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Over the past months, the COVID-19 pandemic has raised significant challenges in the global educational sector on different levels, calling for the full digitilization and remote delivery of courses and programs, while many institutions are not fully prepared for such situation. Although the global educational sector has attempted to react promptly to such new situation, it is widely accepted that existing solutions have introduced a number of security and privacy concerns, as remote delivery increases the chances for sensitive student and teaching staff data to be exposed to cyber threats. Moreover, digitilizing the education implies adjusting the pedagogical models of the respective courses, to enhance interaction and minimize passive learning, which in turns introduces further challenges in terms of security and privacy. The goal of the promotINg Cyber-hygIene in eDucation through sEcuring distaNCe lEarning (INCIDENCE) is to support addressing the aforementioned challenges in two levels: on educational level by delivering a novel cyber hygiene framework, tailored to the requirements and characteristics of HEI distance learning and teaching; on the infrastructure level by offering a safe to use eLearning toolkit reflecting on modern eLearning pedagogies and state of the art cybersecurity and privacy advances. Such solutions will empower both teaching staff and students with knowledge on maintaining a high level of cyber hygiene and new capabilities to respond to potential threats that may arise.

Project Details

Topic Project number Type of Project Duration Erasmus+ link Website Link
Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Partnerships for Digital Education Readiness
24 months
Categories: 3. Erasmus+
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