A multilayer comparative study of XG-PON and 10G-EPON standards
- Post by: admin
- January 1, 2014
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@{, keywords = {4G, 5G, 5G, 5G, 5G, 5G, 5G and beyond, 5G fronthaul, 5G Security, 5G Testbed, 60 GHz wireless network, 60 GHz wireless network, 6G, 6G, 6G, 6G, 6G, access network selection, Access networks, Accessibility, acoustic communications, Active Learning, Active learning, Ad Hoc Communications, Ad hoc networking, ad-hoc, adaptive, adaptive algorithms, adaptive data rate, admission, Advanced Metering Infrastructure, Advanced Metering Infrastructure, Advanced Metering Infrastructure, Advanced Metering Infrastructure, adverserial federated networks, Agriculture, Aircraft, always best connectivity, Analysis, Android, Anomaly Detection, Anomaly Detection, Anomaly Detection, Anomaly Detection, Anomaly Detection, Anomaly Detection, Anomaly Detection, Anomaly Detection, Anonymity, Anonymity, Anonymity, Anonymous repository of incidents, Anonymous repository of incidents, ant colony optimization, Antenna arrays, Antenna design, antenna selection, Antennas, AODV, AODV, Aperture-coupled antenna, Application Program Interfaces, Application programs, Argumentation mining, Argumentation models, Argumentation tools, Artificial Intelligence, artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms, Artificial Neural Networks, ASD, ASD; Autism; Eye-tracking technology; Machine learning, Autism, Auto-encoder, Autoencoder, Autoencoder Network, automata, Automobiles, Autonencoder, B5G, backbone networks, backbone networks, bandwidth allocation, bandwidth allocation, bandwidth allocation, bandwidth allocation, bandwidth allocation, batch, Behavioral sciences, Best-fit algorithm, Big Data, Big Data, Big Data, Big Data, biogeography-based optimization, block coordinate descent, Blockchain, Blockchain, blocking, blocking, blocking, Bottleneck, Broadband access, Broadcast, Buffer load, buffer-aided relaying, Burst scheduling, Burst scheduling, Bursty, Bursty, Bursty, Bursty traffic, Bursty traffic, call blocking, call blocking, call blocking, call blocking, Cell-free massive MIMO, Cell-free massive MIMO, certification, certification, channel allocation ratio, climate smart agriculture, Cloud, Cloud, Cloud Computing, Cloud Computing, Cloud Computing, Cloud Computing, Cloud Computing, Cloud Radio Access Network, Cloud Radio Access Network (C-RAN), Cloud-radio access, Cloud-radio access, Cloud-radio access, Cluster, Cluster, Clustering, Clustering, Clustering, Clustering, Clustering, Clustering, Codes, Cognitive, cognitive radio, Collaborative reputation mechanism, Collision avoidance, Collision avoidance, collision detection, Coloured Petri Net, Common Public Radio Interface, Communication technologies, Communication technologies, Complete sharing, Computation offloading, Computation offloading, Computation offloading, Computational linguistics, Congestion, Congestion, Congestion, Congestion, Congestion, Congestion, Constraint acquisition, Containerisation, convolution, convolution, convolution, convolution, Convolutional Neural Networks, Cooperative non-orthogonal multi-access, Cooperative wireless network, cost, cost model, cost optimization, Coverage, Coverage, Coverage, Coverage Path Planning (CPP), Critical infrastructure, Cross-based anomaly detection and visualization, Crowd analysis, Crowd behavior, crowd factors, Crowdsourcing, Cyber Attack, Cyber security, Cyber security, Cyber-physical systems, cyberattack, cyberattacks, cyberattacks, cyberattacks, cyberattacks, Cybersecurity, Cybersecurity, Cybersecurity, Cybersecurity, Cybersecurity, Cybersecurity, Cybersecurity, Cybersecurity, Cybersecurity, Cybersecurity, Cybersecurity, Cybersecurity, Cybersecurity, Cybersecurity, Cybersecurity, Cybersecurity, Cybersecurity, Cybersecurity, Data augmentation, data broadcasting, Data Extraction Rate, Data Generation, Data Generation, data protection, Data to Image Transformation, Data visualization, Dataset, DBA, Decision support, Deep Learning, Deep Learning, Deep Learning, Deep Learning, Deep Learning, Deep Learning, Deep Learning, Deep Learning, Deep Learning, Deep Learning, Deep Learning, Deep multi-sensorial data analysis, delay, Demand matrix, Deployment, Deployment, Design framework, Detection of selective forwarding and jamming attacks, Detection probability analysis, Digital subscriber loop, direct links, diseases detection, Distributed learning automata, DNP3, DNP3, DoS Attacks, Downlink mapping, Downlink mapping, Downlink mapping, Downlink mapping, downstream, downstream, Driverless pods, Drone base station, Drone swarms, Drone swarms, Drones, Drop history, duration, Dynamic bandwidth allocation, Dynamic bandwidth allocation, Edge computing, EdgeCloudSim simulator, Education material, Efficient routing, Electromagnetic resonance, embedded system, energy, energy, energy consumption, energy consumption, energy consumption, energy efficiency, energy efficiency, energy efficiency, energy efficiency, energy efficiency, energy efficiency, energy harvesting, energy management; honeypots, Energy System, Energy-Efficient CPP methods, Evolutionary algorithm, evolutionary algorithms, evolutionary algorithms, evolutionaryr algorithms, exponential smoothing, extrapolation, extrapolation, eye-tracking, Eye-tracking technology, Fairness, Fairness, Fairness, Fairness, Fairness, Fairness, FANETs, FANETs, Farm-to-Fork, Federated learning, federated SDN controllers, Fiber wireless (FiWi), Fiber-wireless, Financial data, firewall, FiWi, FiWi, flying ad-hoc networks, flying ad-hoc networks, flying ad-hoc networks, Forensics, Free-space Optical Communications, Frequency selective surface, G-networks, Game theory, Game theory, GAN Network, Generative Adversarial Network, genetic algorithm, genetic algorithm, Genetic algorithms, Genetic algorithms, Grant-Free, Graph convolutional network, Graph convolutional networks, graph partition, Green Deal, green networks, Grey wolf optimizer, Grid infrastructure, group mobility, Group signature, Group signature, Handicapped aids, handover, Hard metal industry, Healthcare, Heuristic optimization, hidden Markov chains, Hidden Markov models, High-Functioning Autism detection, hitboxes, Honeypot, Honeypot, Honeypot, Honeypots, Honeypots, Honeypots, Honeypots, Honeypots, Horizon, Horizon, hotspot, hybrid networks, hybrid wireless-optical, Hydro Power Plant, ICS, ICS, IDS, IEC 60870 5 104, IEC-60870-5-104, IEEE 802.16, IEEE 802.16, IEEE 802.16, IEEE 802.16, IEEE 802.16, IEEE 802.16, IEEE 802.16, IEEE 802.16, IEEE 802.16, IEEE 802.16, IEEE 802.16e, Image Processing, Image Processing, image texture, impedance matching, impedance matching network, impedance matching network, Industrial AI, Industrial Control System, Industrial Control System, Industrial Internet of Things, Industrial Internet of Things, Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), Industry 4.0, Information systems, Integer programming, integrated architectures, intelligent multiagent systems, Intelligent sensors, Intentional islanding, Internet of Thing (IoT), Internet of things, Internet of things, Internet of things, Internet of things, Internet of things, Internet of things, Internet of things, Internet of things, Internet of things, Internet of Things (IoT), Internet of Things (IoT), Internet of Things (IoT), Internet of Things (IoT), Internet of Things (IoT), Intra-frame power saving, Intra-frame power saving, Intrusion De-tection, Intrusion detection, Intrusion detection, Intrusion detection, Intrusion detection, Intrusion detection, Intrusion detection, intrusion detection system, intrusion detection system, intrusion detection system, intrusion detection system, intrusion detection system, intrusion detection system, intrusion detection system, Intrusion prevention system, intrusiondetection, IoT, IoT, IoT, IoT, IoT, IoT, IoT offloading, IoT technology, IoT-enabled Wireless Sensor Networks, Irrigation, islanding, JavaScript, joint resource allocation, k-DOP, k-nearest neighbors, Knowledge exchange, Latest available unused channel with void filling, Latest available unused channel with void filling, Learning, Learning, Learning automata, Learning automata, Learning automata, Learning automata, Learning automata, Learning automata, Learning automata, learning automata (LA), Linear antenna arrays, Literature review, Load-generation balance, Locality of demand, Locality of demand, Long Range (LoRa), LoRa, LoRa, LoRaWAN, LoRaWAN, LoRaWAN, loss, loss, Loss model, low computational complexity, low earth orbit, Low-Power Wide Area Networks, Low-Power Wide Area Networks, LTE, LTE, LTE, M2M, M2M, MAC, MAC, MAC, MAC protocols, machine learning, machine learning, machine learning, machine learning, machine learning, machine learning, machine learning, machine learning, machine learning, machine learning, machine learning, machine learning, machine learning, machine learning, machine learning, machine learning, maintenance index, MANET, MANETs, MANETs, mapping, mapping, mapping, mapping, mapping, mapping, mapping, markov chains, Markov Model, Massive MIMO, MAVLink protocol, Max-Min fairness, MEC, Medium Access Control, Medium Access Control, Medium Access Control, Medium access control (MAC) protocol, Medium access control (MAC) protocol, Meta-heuristics, Meta-heuristics, metamaterials, Microservices, microstrip line, mixed farming systems, Mobile, mobile communications, mobile communications, mobile devices, mobile edge computing, mobile routing, mobile routing, mobile satellite system, Mobile target tracking, Mobile target tracking, mobility, Mobility Models, mobility patterns, Modbus, Modbus, Modbus, Modeling, Modeling, Modelling, MPCP, Multi-access Edge Computing, Multi-Armed Bandit, multi-channel MAC, Multi-domain federation, Multi-variant differential evolution, multiband antenna, multiple access, multiple channels, Multiple UAVs Networks, multiple-input multiple-output systems, Multipoint control protocol(MPCP), multispectral imaging, Music Generation, Music Information Retrieval, Music Signal Processing, Natural language processing, Nature-inspired algorithms, NB-IoT, negative permeability, NetFlows, network design, Network Energy Consumption, Network function virtualization, Network performance, network planning, Network scalability, network threats, Networks Energy Optimization, New Radio, next generation networks, next generation networks, Next Generation SDN, Next-generation passive optical network 2, NFV, NGPON, Non Orthogonal Multiple Access (NOMA), Non-orthogonal multiple access, Non-orthogonal multiple access, Non-product form, ODN granularity, OFDM, OFDM, OFDMA, OFDMA, OFDMA, OFDMA, OFDMA, OFDMA, OFDMA, OFDMA, Offloading, open source software, Operational Data, Optical burst switching, Optical burst switching, optical networks, optical networks, optical SDM, Optical wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) networks, Optical wavelength-division-multiplexing (WDM) networks, Optical WDM networks, Optical WDM networks, Optical WDM networks, Optical WDM networks, Optimization, optimization method, Optimization methods, Optimization process, Optimization technique, Optimization technique, orthogonal frequency-division multiple access (OFDMA), OSSIM, outage probability, P4, Packet priority, participatory learning, Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), passive optical network, Passive Optical Network (PON), Passive optical networks, Passive optical networks, Passive optical networks, Passive optical networks, Passive optical networks, Passive optical networks, Passive optical networks, Passive optical networks, Passive optical networks, Passive optical networks, Passive optical networks, patch antenna, Path loss, pathloss prediction, Performance analysis, Personalization, pervasive systems, PFCP, plant protection, Poisson, Poisson, Poisson, poisson process, power allocation, power consumption, power consumption, power consumption, power conversion efficiency, Power Grid, power saving optimization, Power system, precision agriculture, precision agriculture, precision agriculture, precision agriculture, precision agriculture, Precision agriculture (PA), Precision agriculture costs, prediction, prediction, prediction, prediction, prediction, Privacy, Privacy, Privacy, Privacy, Privacy-preserving authentication methods, Privacy-preserving solutions, Probability, Product form, Product form, Product form, Product form, Product form, Product form, Production monitoring, Programmable Networks, protocols, Pseudoimages, push-based system, QoS, QoS, QoS, quality management, Quality of Service, Quality-of-service (QoS), Quasi-random, Quasi-random, Quasi-random, Quasi-random, Quasi-random, Quasi-random, queueing, queueing, queuing theory, Radio access, Radio access, Radio Access Network, Radio frequency, radio frequency energy harvesting, radio frequency energy harvesting, radio frequency energy harvesting, radio frequency energy harvesting, radio frequency energy harvesting, Radio over Fiber, Radio Propagation, Radio-over-fiber (RoF) network, Radio-over-fiber (RoF) network, Rando, Random, Random, Random access, Real-time traffic, rectenna, rectifier, rectifier, rectifier, Recursive, Recursive, reflectance map, Reinforcement Learning, Reinforcement Learning, ReinforcementLearning, Relay, Relay, remote sensing, remote sensing, Remote sensing (RS), Reservation, Reservation, Reservation, Reservation, Reservation, Reservation, Reservation, Reservation, Reservation, ResNet, Resource allocation, Resource Allocation., Resource utilization, Restricted, Restricted, Restricted accessibility, Review, RF energy harvesting, Risk Assessment, Robotic land vehicles, round trip time, RSSI, RSSI, RSSI, Rule-based anomaly detection system, Salp swarm algorithm, SCADA, SCADA, SCADA, SCADA, SCADA, SCADA, SCADA, SCADA, SCADA, SCADA, SCADA, SCADA security, Scalability, Scheduling, Scheduling, Scheduling, Scheduling, Scheduling, Scheduling, Scheduling, Scheduling, Scheduling, Scheduling, Scheduling, Scheduling, Scheduling, Scheduling, Scheduling, SDN, SDN, SDN, security, security, security, security, security, security, security, security, security, Security Information and Event Management, Security of data, self-organizing networks, Sensor tracking, Sensors, Sentiment analysis, Service sequence, Service sequence, Sign Language, Sign Language Recognition, Simple polling adaptive protocol, Simple polling adaptive protocol, Simulation, Simulation, Simulation, Simulation, Simulation, Sixth Generation, Sleep slots, Sleep slots, slotted ALOHA, small cell deployment, Smart Agriculture, smart farming, smart farming, smart farming, smart farming, smart farming, smart farming, smart farming, smart farming, smart farming, smart farming, Smart Grid, Smart Grid, Smart Grid, Smart Grid, Smart Grid, Smart Grid, Smart Grid, Smart Grid, Smart Grid, Smart Grid, Smart Grid, Smart Grid, Smart Grid, Smart Grid, Smart Grid, Smart Grid, Smart Grid, Smart Grid, Smart Grid, Smart Grid, Smart Grid, Smart Grid, smart irrigation, Smart manufacturing, smart meters, smart refrigerator, Smod, Social media, socio-economic modelling, Software Defined Networking, Software Defined Networking, Software Defined Networking, Software Defined Networking, software defined networking (SDN), software development, software development, software maintenance effort, Software-defined networking, Software-defined networking, spatial and spectral dimensions, Spectral clustering, spectral signature, Splines, split ring resonators, Star topology, stress detection, substation, substation, success factors, Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition, Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition, Swarm intelligence, Swarm intelligence, sweet cherries trees, SWOT analysis, Synchronization, Synchrophasor, task offloading, Teletraffic, Thompson Sampling, Threat modelling, Threshold, Time and wavelength division multiplexing, Time congestion, time-slotted scheme, traffic demand, Traffic prediction, Traffic prediction, Traffic prediction, Transfer learning, trends, Triangular estimator, trust management, trust management systems, Trust Model, TS-VP-LoRa, UAS, UAV, UAV, UAV Communications, UAV swarm, UAV swarm, UAV system architecture, Ultra-wideband (UWB) radio technology, Underwater networks, Unmanned Aerial System, Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, Unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAVs), unmanned aerial vehicles, unmanned aerial vehicles, unmanned aerial vehicles, unmanned aerial vehicles, unmanned aerial vehicles, unmanned aerial vehicles, unmanned aerial vehicles, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), Unmanned Ground Vehicles (UGVs), Unsupervised algorithm, Unsupervised Machine Learning, uplink NOMA, User-centric cell-free massive MIMO, User-centric cell-free massive MIMO, UWB ranging-based Sybil attack detection, VANET, vegetation index, Vehicles, Vehicular networks, vertical handover, visual-Assisted wormhole detection, voltage doubler, voltage multiplier, voltage multiplier, Wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) star networks, Wavelength division multiplexing ethernet passive optical network (WDM-EPON), WDM star networks, WDM star networks, WDM star networks, WDM star networks, WDM-EPONs, web, Whale optimization algorithm, WiFi, WiMAX, WiMAX, WiMAX, WiMAX, WiMAX, WiMAX, WiMAX, WiMAX, wireless, Wireless communication, Wireless communication, Wireless communication, Wireless Communications, Wireless networking, wireless networks, wireless networks, wireless networks, wireless power transfer, wireless power transfer, wireless power transfer, wireless power transfer, wireless powered sensor network, Wireless push systems, wireless sensor network, wireless sensor network (WSN), Wireless sensor network security visualization, wireless sensor networks, wireless sensor networks, wireless sensor networks, wireless sensor networks, wireless sensor networks, wireless sensor networks, wireless sensor networks, Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN), Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs), Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs), WMNs, WMNs, Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access (WiMAX), wormholes, XG-PON, XG-PON, XG-PON, XG-PON, XG-PON, XG-PON, XG-PON, Yolov5}, pubstate = {}, tppubtype = {} }